Thursday, May 6, 2010


Time is flying. Gila cepat dah May.
Takda sapa nak update blog, sbab smua orang pn busy.
Of coursela kan, ngan YE smua lgi..

And next week plak, da mid year exam. Cepat gila kan?
Rasa mcam bru start 2010, tpi skrg da tgh 2010.
Heh. makin tuaa la nmpaknyaa.
Iqee da balek sggs. Ngan MC, Cipot n Tati.
Happy lah. :)

Anyway, wish kterog gd luck eh utk exam.


Sunday, April 18, 2010



Its been a week.
I miss Sggs. Damn much.
I miss Makhroz, and all my friends.
It feels so different being there, like I dont belong there.
And I admit, no one can ever be like my Makhroz sisters.
I miss u guys, i wish i can stay with u guys again. Seriously.

I know we're not far away, but..
Mcam empty gler without korg.
Kat sana, byak bnda yg alone, x mcam kat sini.
I miss Sggs, sangat2. Never thought i would say this.
But i miss sggs.
I wish i could turn back time. Sigh.
Tomorrow, exam. Wish me luck guys.
Take care.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

haha. Exam!

Markah exam, janganlah tanyaaaa.

Anyway. Ni gred Makhroz yang baru.


Actually, sbab takde ape nak ckap sgt, post laa bnde mrepek nie.
Skola pn tgh bz, especially YE and Tourism club.
So smua busy balek dgn mrkah2 yg memberangsangkan. :)


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Partay @ Hard Rock!

Its school holidays, finally!

Anyway, we had a party at Hard Rock Hotel last Saturday.
To celebrate iqee's 16th birthday.
It was awesome! Bittersweet came with radhi and stuff.

Makan2, ptong kek, bittersweet's performance.
Berebut rebut amek gambar. the end of party for everyone else, but not Makhroz. Hee.

Then, kteorg pegi night market btu feringghi. (9pm)
Dlam 12 orang kott : iqee, hunn, lyana, wani, tati, intan, comey, imany, min, wada, fuad and wan!

Unfortunately, mlam tu polis serbu night market so kteorg pun patahlaa balek. (10.30 pm)
Then, nak buat campfire plakk. Haha. Pegilah beach belakang Hard Rock tu.
Penuh dengan semut wrna merahhh yg besar tuu.
So we had to find someplace else lah kan. Jalan2 tepi pntai smpai laaaaa dkat2 sunset tuu.
Punyelaa jauh bejalan. dgan air pasang and anjing due tige ekor lagi. Alahai.

Da smpai sunset, start lah nk buat api. dok pening2 mana nak cari kayu.
Last2, give up on api sbab tanak start2 lagi. Oh, act nk buat campfire sbab nk bkar marshmallow.
So , lastly mkan la marshmallow tu without bakar. haha.
it was still fun, bwak guitar smua, nyanyi2, minum..
Melalak lalak smpai pkul 12am.

Lepas tu, kteorg pun jalan balik hotel.
But singgah kat kedai burger dlu sbab lapar sgt2.

Once da kat hotel, lepak kat lobby yg takde orang tu, smpailaaaa 3am.
Baru naik bilik. Lapar balik, makan balik. Haha.

Start la joke psal kentut wada and susu intan smuaa.
Bising bising bising, smpailaa hotel management mai ketuk bilik.
Tapi kteorg x bkak. Hee.

Masa nak tdo plak, tade sape nk tdo ngan comey. Haha.
Ksian com. Then, at last, 5am smua pun lenaa.

Next day, bgun awal, diorg pegi swimming, tpi iqee x ikut.
X larat nak bgun lah. Pastu diorg g breakfast kott.
Pkul 12, kteorg pn check out.
G lunch kat gurney, jalan2 den balik.

Overall, it was an amazing day, and an awesome party!

Some pics :

Senyum Senyum! :P

Thanks to everyone. <3

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy March!

Today, bru selesai Sports Day. it was fun, but tati couldnt be there.
Anyway, iqee bought a pair of hamster! haha.

Owh, next week exam.
Wish us luck!

Then, partyyyyyyyyy!

And holidays.
So March, here we come!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Paper Plane :)

atas permintaan ramai..

It is one lonely night,
And I'm wishing
You're here
By my side.

Your smile which
Had make my day
Now I cant throw it away
Eventhough we're apart
You're still in my heart.

Paper plane,
Take me to her tonight
I wanna be by her side
Till the end of time.

And paper plane
Carry my hopes and dreams
Bring it to the one
Who's making me sing.

What is this feeling
Dont get me confused
For you I'm willing
To take the moon

I'll give u my love
And take away all your pain
Girl to be with u
Is what I'm asking for.

So paper plane,
Take me to her tonight
I wanna be by her side
Till the end of time.

And paper plane
Carry my hopes and dreams
Bring it to the one
Who's making me sing.

And girl tell me,
What can I do
When your pretty face
Made my own heart melt.

Paper plane,
Take me to her tonight
I wanna be by her side
Till the end of time.

And paper plane
Carry my hopes and dreams
Bring it to the one
Who's making me sing.

And paper plane..
Make me dream tonight..
Of the only one..
Who's making me sing.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Missing you people!!

Arghh!! Rindunya daku kepada mereka berdua ini!!
Intan! finally we have news about you! bila kita suma nak hang out niew? Borink la weh dekat umah! aku nak tengok wayang! jomla! puhlez! bley kita suma pegi gurney and pada masa yang sama boleyla aku mencuci mata aku dengan kiwi kleen.. ehehhe.. UARGH! rindu dekat my LAPTOP GUY!
atiqah! bila kita nak create songs lagi niew? pehal yang career kita end cepat sangat niew? nanti boleh kita bagi intan and mazlina dengar paper plane, dengan in the class.. eheheh.. ^_^
wani! rindunya aku dekat perangai hang yang tak banyak untuk aku memuji.. ahahhaha! lawak ja.. rindu siyot kt hang.. bila nak jumpa lagi niew? for the first time in the world aku x saba nak pegi sekolah just to see you guys! wani.. wani.. wani.. lamanya aku tak sebot nama hang!!! RINDUUUUUUUUUU...
mak cik!!! mek kelate dah bli ka kopok lekor aku mintak tue?? ehheheh.. denga la aku nak gitau nie, dekat hang pown aku rindu gak.. rindu gegila nak denga hang jerit tak tentu pasal cam manusia yang tak ketahuan.. ahahhah.. n rindu jugak nak denga hang nyanyi lagu industan hg yang x agk menyakitkn telingaku ini..
Lyana!! Rindu gak kat hang weh! bla lagi aku bleh nak makan hang munya nasi goreng tue?? sedap woo.. ahahahah... hang nie, bukan nak ajak pegi rumah ka, bagi pinjam slr ka, aku borink tauw cuti skolah ini.. haihhh...
Intan!! Eh, budak! bley ak lain kali contact kami bla hg pegi asrama? RINDU TAUW! aku mati-mati ingat hg dah lupa kami ka apa ka.. sib bek hg igt aku agi kan? ehehhe.. rindu la kt hg.. jom jumpa! pleaseeeeeeeeee...
Mazlina!! Ha, nie lagi satu, tak reti nak contact.. hang apa jadi? masih bernyawa di atas muka bumi nie lagi ke tidak?? contact la kami maz.. aku rindu dekat hg.. rindu dekat suara keibuan hang tue... uhuhuh T__T
konklusinya... TATY RINDU DEKAT SEMUA!!